Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You know you're playing too much WoW when...

You're writing a (long) work-related E-mail to a colleague and write 'DPS' instead of 'dpi'. Everywhere. /sigh


defkon said...

Hahaha I do things like this daily.

Jenny said...


sam said...

Thanks, found this very funny!

WoW Leveling Guide said...

Just don't aggro your boss!

bbr said...

I've done that as well,.

How active are you of late - in regards to blogging compared to when you started WoW blogging?
Be a sport and drop by here: Linky here - calling all bloggers
I'm doing a writeup to see how many WoW bloggers are still "active" - if you'd be interested in a link exchange, just let me know, it'd be good for some extra pageviews ^,^